Friday, November 5, 2010

You Capture

I'm a day late on You Capture this week, but thought it would still be fun to participate. I tried to think outside the box a little for Halloween- we don't have any kids to dress up yet and I spent the day at home waiting for all the trick or treaters. Sadly we didn't get as many as I expected! There's always kids running around all over the neighborhood so I was so excited to get a lot of visitors and was fully prepared with all the good kinds of candy and even a fun bowl from the Target dollar spot. (I LOVE Tar-gey). Now I have a bunch of leftovers and think I've been on a sugar high all week.

I love fun holiday home decor. I never though I'd be into it, but man I can't get enough. My best friends very talented mom makes quilts and decided one year to make placemats. The other side is for Thanksgiving and there is a Christmas set too. I love them.

I suppose with all the traffic the next set isn't really "quiet," but it was for me as I could just get lost in the sunset. Isn't is beautiful?! I turned off my radio and just took it all in amazed. The red tones wrapped around to the sky behind me and then to the left it was just blue. It's amazing what mother nature can do. (I really wish I would've had my regular camera with me- and no worries, I was stopped when I took each picture with my phone. I'm sure the neighboring cars thought I was nuts)

Check out more Halloween and beautiful silence here.


  1. That candy looks so good... and I love your placemats!
    The sky has been amazing lately, hasn't it?

  2. Those placemats are too cute & what a beautiful sunset for the drive home.

  3. Aww, great pictures! I love the sunset! So beautiful.

    -Jesslyn Amber
