Monday, September 26, 2011


Well hello dusty, mistreated blog. It's been 8 months. Wow- 8 months to the day, actually. (Well to the day when I started writing this.) Since I last blogged, we've entered our third change of season, baseball has started and is about to end, football season is here and I had a baby. Yes, a beautiful baby that arrived August 28th. I could name a bunch of reasons why I haven't blogged, but I'm going to forgo that and just update and move on.

About a week after my last blog entry, I was laid off. It wasn't completely unexpected, but it was still a hard pill to swallow. Even though I knew it had nothing to do with me, I went through a bunch of emotions and had a hard time dealing with it for awhile. And I'm sure the pregnancy hormones probably didn't help. I found out I was pregnant a month before this happened- on December 19th to be exact. I even told my bosses 2 weeks before which made it even harder for them to let me go. I looked for jobs and sent out resumes, but nothing came of them. Then when I started to show I knew it might be harder to find something. But on the happier side of things, my pregnancy was going very smoothly and we were THRILLED. I was feeling good, only a little sick during the first trimester and it seemed like exactly at 12 weeks and 1 day I woke up with no sickness and wasn't as exhausted. I was a new woman! The only thing we kept close watch on was gestational diabetes. My family has a history of diabetes so they wanted to be sure this didn't pop up. 3 one hour and 2 three hour glucose tests later, I remained in the clear for my entire pregnancy. While out of work I went about my business of growing and planning for our little bundle to arrive. Originally, I wasn't going to find out the baby's gender. My husband said he was finding out with or without me, but my plan was to wait until the shower and have the decorations do the big reveal. That plan didn't last for long and we were both too anxious to wait. Finally at the big ultrasound, we found out we were having a girl. I was shocked as I would've put big money on us having a boy, but I cried tears of joy that we were having her and more importantly that she was healthy. Once we knew, nursery plans, names and everything else was in full swing. Even though it was sometimes difficult, I will admit it was nice to have the summer off- my first one ever since I turned 16 and started working- and it was nice to relax during those hot, hot days. All in all, I was blessed to have a wonderful pregnancy. Of course I had some bad days, some uncontrollable crying days and days I couldn't.stop.eating. (I'm ashamed to admit one week I went to Chipotle three times becuase I couldn't get enough of their rice. My only real craving.) And now here we are at the end of September, and my baby girl is about to be a month old. I can't wrap my head around how fast time went. I feel like I just took the pregnancy test. I'm very excited to watch her grow and share our journey here so we can always come back and never forget. Next to come, our birth story.

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